Changing a Logo

A logo is something that stands in the crowd representing the company or product. It's something that makes the public aware of its existence. Having a well-known company or product, surely have a well-known logo. And happy customers always see it as something to believe in and gladly put their trust on it.

A logo design is something that is rarely changed. And if the circumstances does not leave any choice, steps should be carefully taken when deciding to change a logo appearance or placement.

Here are some things to highlight what you can't do to a design:

  • Do not change the logo orientation.
  • Do not recreate logo elements or change it to something else.
  • Do not bevel or emboss the logo.
  • Do not add glow effects on the logo.
  • Do not crop the logo in any way.
  • Do not change the logo colors.
  • Do not squeeze or stretch the logo to distort proportion.
  • Do not place the logo on a busy and crowded picture or pattern.
  • Do not reconfigure or change any elements on the logo.
  • Do not put white box around the logo when it is placed in a busy background.
  • Do not place the logo on a similarly-colored background.
  • Do not place the logo on "vibrating" colored background.
  • Do not add "drop shadow" on the logo.
  • Do not outline the logo with any color.
  • Do not present the logo in "outline only" fashion.

Changes made to a logo mentioned above can obviously create a new logo. And a new logo can make a significant change on how customers see a company or product and further attempt should be made by the company or product to retain its public recognition. And if the circustances is to change the logo completely, the new logo should still have its former characteristics, theme and persona. Removing one of those will change it completely and people may not see the company or product as it were before.