The Color Psychology

Color theory have multitude of definitions, concepts and design applications - enough to fill several encyclopedias. However, there are three basic categories of color theory that are logical and useful : The color wheel, color harmony, and the context of how colors are used.

When a design uses color rather than form to deliver its message, color can either make or break the design's vital way to communicate. A proper use of color can give an image of what the message is about to give before the eyes can read.

Below are some meanings of color that are mostly used to highlight a design's message:


Evokes aggressiveness, passion, strength and vitality. Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love.

Red is a very emotionally intense color. It enhances human metabolism, increases respiration rate, and raises blood pressure. Red is the hottest of the warm colors. It has very high visibility, which is why stop signs, stoplights, and fire equipment are usually painted red.


Evokes femininity, innocence, softness and health. Pink is a color that conjures feelings of delicateness. The color pink is also widely associated with breast cancer awareness. Pink provides feelings of caring, tenderness, self-worth and love, acceptance.

Pink is a combination of red and white. The quality of energy in pink is determined by how much red is present. White is the potential for fullness, while red helps you to achieve that potential. Pink combines these energies. Shades of deep pink, such as magenta, are effective in neutralizing disorder and violence.


Evokes fun and cheeriness. Orange is made up of red and yellow and can represent attributes from each of those colors. Orange combines the energy of red and the happiness of yellow. It is associated with joy, sunshine, and the tropics. Orange represents enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity, determination, attraction, success, encouragement, and stimulation.

Orange sparks more controversy than any other hue. There is usually strong positive or negative association to orange and true orange generally elicits a stronger "love it" or "hate it" response than other colors. Fun and flamboyant orange radiates warmth and energy.


Evokes positivity and sunshine. It represent happiness or caution and cowardice. Yellow is bright and highly visible which is why it can often be found on caution and other road signs.

Yellow produces a warming effect, arouses cheerfulness, stimulates mental activity, and generates muscle energy. Yellow shines with optimism and enlightenment. Shades of golden yellow carry the promise of a positive future. Yellow will advance from surrounding colors and instill optimism and energy, as well as spark creative thoughts.


Evokes tranquility, health and freshness. It is a restful and soothing color but can also represent jealousy and inexperience.

Green has great healing power. It is the most restful color for the human eye; it can improve vision. Green suggests stability, endurance and well being. Green is life. Abundant in nature, green signifies growth, renewal, health, and environment. It can be seen in companies that want to portray themselves as eco-friendly.


Evokes authority, dignity, security and faithfulness. Blue is considered beneficial to the mind and body. It slows human metabolism and produces a calming effect. Blue is strongly associated with tranquility and calmness. In heraldry, blue is used to symbolize piety and sincerity.

A natural color, from the blue of the sky, blue is a universal color, a universal favorite of men and women.


Evokes sophistication and costliness. The color purple can be found in many education related and luxury product logos.

Purple is royalty. A mysterious color, purple is associated with both nobility and spirituality. Red is a focusing, dynamic and active energy while blue is cooling, calming and expansive. Purple brings a new dynamic to the expansion of blue and the activity of red. Red brings practicality to the undirected expansiveness of the blue, and allows more creative energy to emerge. For this reason, purple is associated with imagination and inspiration.


Evokes earthiness and subtle richness. It also indicates nature, woodiness, and utility. Brown is used in logos related to construction and legal logos due to it simplicity, warmth and neutrality.

While it might be considered a little on the dull side, it also represents steadfastness, friendliness, dependability, and health. It is a mixture of red, blue and yellow and has many shades and tones - each producing a different effect. Brown can be a stabilizing color. The red in brown gives it practical energy while the yellow and blue add mental focus energies. Too much brown can make a dull effect. Brown gives a feeling of solidity, and allows one to stay in the background, unnoticed.


Evokes purity, truthfulness, being contemporary and refined. It can often be found in logos as reversed text or negative space.

As opposed to black, white usually has a positive connotation. White can represent a successful beginning. In heraldry, white depicts faith and purity. In advertising, white is associated with coolness and cleanliness because it's the color of snow. You can use white to suggest simplicity in high-tech products.


Evokes somberness, practicality and a corporate mentality. From a moral standpoint, it is the area between good and evil. It is also known as neutral and cool. Grey is often used for the type within logos because it is neutral and works well with most other colors.

Grey is the color of intellect, knowledge, and wisdom. It is perceived as long-lasting, classic, and often as sleek or refined. It is a color that is dignified, conservative, and carries authority. Grey is controlled and inconspicuous and is considered a color of compromise because it sits between the extremes of black and white.


Evokes seriousness, distinctiveness, and being classic. It is technically, the absence of all color. It’s a powerful and conjures authority, boldness, elegance and tradition. Black can be found in many logos for its boldness, simplicity and sophistication.

Black gives the feeling of perspective and depth, but a black background diminishes readability. Black contrasts well with bright colors. Black is seen as a restful emptiness into which anything may emerge and disappear once again. It is also mysterious, providing a sense of potential and possibility.