Customized Email Address for Business

An email address identifies an email box to which email messages are delivered. An example format of an email address is [email protected]. Companies like Yahoo!, Google and Microsoft provide email features (Yahoo! Mail, Gmail and Hotmail) without cost and available across the globe. The type of email these free services provide is essentially a generalist email address.

For businesses, a generalized business email address does not induce much confidence among the audience. We are living in the online era and people expect the smallest of business entities to have a web-based presence. The first landmark for having an online presence is having an email address. While an average person/individual can survive with a generalized email address, businesses cannot. Every prospective customer assumes that the business owns a website and a dedicated, specialized email address. Email addresses for businesses should have a unique configuration that sets them apart from the millions of other, generalized email addresses. This is important for inducing a sense of genuineness among the consumers.

Email addresses for businesses created from free email service providers put forth a major risk. Today, most businesses indulge in some form of online marketing. This is critical to survive the competition and attract more customers. One of the most basic forms of internet marketing is email marketing. This includes emailing coupons, newsletters and discount-related information to the most likely buyers. A generalized business email address is more likely to be intercepted as spam mail. Thus, a probable customer would never find the advertising brand's email in the inbox, and will not generally appreciate them and delete them most of the time .

Unlike a general email address for a business, custom email address is created by paid service providers. The charges are rather nominal and businesses get the advantage of owning a distinctive and impressive email address. If the above-listed example is continued: [email protected] does not induce any degree of confidence about the brand or the business while a business email address like [email protected], instantly makes more impression.

Most businesses would feel safe in owning a business website along with a specialized email address. Specialized and a personalized email address can give a business a higher degree of expectation and credibility from potential customers, thus increasing the business professionalism.