Having A Unique Web Design To Create a Unique You

Designing comes from passion, knowledge and creativity of the mind. High-quality templates that are available on the web, design patterns that matured, automation of contents, AI, and mobile technology are signaling the end of web design as we know it. But in order to be unique, you need to be different.

Web design is what catches the eyes first. When people browse the web, and finally found your website, the first thing that they see is how your website is designed. Web design takes your content to a new level, and it only needs a fraction of a second to do so.

As the web becomes large, contents are available readily almost anytime, making the design of a web page fundamental in differentiating you from others. Although web design is no longer in the center of internet experience with UX design coming to replace it, what designers do is to make your website as relevant as possible, while highlighting your content no matter what.

Emerging technologies have helped designers in better putting their creativity into the blank canvas. And for you to be different than others that move around you, you need to stand out. And there is no better way to be seen other than being uncommon.

Technologies Helping Web Designers, Not Users

With the many new technologies and software capabilities, web designers can put more effort in creating something unique. The technologies and software ease designers to the extent that web designing is not as difficult as it was before.

From already matured templates to the many readily available framework and services, web designers have plenty of options to choose. But as a user, do you have as many choices as web designers do?

Technologies that work behind the scene are what powers what we see on the web. From user-interface, the animations and others, all should work flawlessly. Web designers and web developers are trying to create the design and UX that appeals to users. But for users, all you see is what you get.

Getting your website made unique is what put you to the next level: getting the appeal. This will eventually make your design goes beyond your brand.

Technologies and software that power websites may be similar to one another, but what makes your website unique is how well its design pronounce you, and giving way to what you have to say in a manner that people actually like.

Since any business is unique, your need to be unique yourself.

Mobile Apps vs. Web Design

There is no doubt that mobile internet users are increasing. Smartphones and tablets are available almost anywhere, sold with a wide range of price to suit anyone's pocket. How often do you visit a website from your mobile device by directly typing the address? Only when you don't have the app.

Digital brands are putting more of their effort to create a product/service by developing it and designing it better and better to meet their users' demand. But when it comes to their business website. Should they also prioritize it?

The answer is yes.

With apps, people rarely visit your website. But does that mean you shouldn't care much about how your website should look like? Being unique shouldn't just come from your product/service. Its presentation as an app might be good, but there is no saying that your art of maintaining a professional appearance and attitude as a business on the web, still rely on your business website. No matter how rare people visit it.

To adapt to the mobile industry, having a responsive web design can fell the gap where different screen sizes are not anymore a problem

UX Design, Answering Web Design

Web design, no matter which way people see it, is far from being obsolete. This is when the demand for UX designers is rising.

UX design is to complement web design by giving the design experience directly inside web design. By going further, web design can now implement digital products, tools and others, to an ecosystem, creating a web application that can target more people by giving more features.

Here’s the good news: designers are really far from being obsolete. Quite to the contrary, you can see that the demand for UX designers is still on the rise, and everyone seems to be redesigning their digital products these days.

Web applications, mobile apps, APIs, social media presence, SEO, customer service channels and others, are what create the experience a user has with your brand, product and/or service.

And with the shift from desktop computers to virtual environment and mobile, designers are taking part in creating a cohesive experiences that are able to make your content valuable across the many circumstances.

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Unique Rather Than Perfect

In a world full of noise and competition, the internet is no different. People are moving to the web because this is where most businesses are. People can visit them no matter where they are, or when their shops and offices are close.

To be different, you need to have something that stands out. Being one of the crowd won't make you any better because people are doing the exact same thing.

Because being different, no matter how difficult it is, is what makes who you are. To create a perfect web design involves word and dedication, but to be unique, you just need to be you. Creating something different is all what you need to show others that you're brave enough to be yourself.

Further reading: Providing Unique Value for Your Unique Content