Protecting Your Business from Online Threats

The history of computer virus can be dated back to the early 1960s from the work of John von Neumann called "Theory of self-reproducing automata" and the experimental self-replicating program called The Creeper virus. A computer virus can be described as a computer program that is able to replicate itself and spread from one computer to another.

Virus is a kind of malware. Malware disrupts computer operation, gather sensitive information, or gain access to private computer systems. With the immense usage of the internet these days, the World Wide Web has been abused by many types of people including hackers that are there for one purpose: to breach a computer/network's secure environment.

Destructive threats from viruses or malwares can enter the premises of your business network and create unwanted problems and security issues. Running a flourishing business definitely requires even the most basic protection methods and installing antivirus software is among the most essential one. With proper planning and professional advices, you can install the best program possible. No matter how big or small your business enterprise is, the type and scale of solutions may vary but nonetheless remain necessary.

It is recommended to choose the best antivirus protection that is reliable and trusted by a team of experts for complete protection of your business. In order to protect your business data and credential information, training your employees can be a prevention before anything happens. The next step is to ensure further security within the company's environment. The following steps should be necessarily taken to guarantee the most of your security issues.

Internet Usage Policy: A strong security policy helps employees know their responsibility while browsing and wandering the web. It is important for them to be well informed of various threats from viruses and malwares that can infect one's computer.

Content Filtration: The internet is full of information that may not be accessed in a workspace. Content Filtration helps yout o control your employees activities on the web. Content Filtering is used in order to create productive and more secure environment.

Centrally Managed Antivirus Program: Program that is managed from single point ensures that each PC in the company is routinely checked, updated and periodically scanned. Any virus attacks, worms or Trojans can be easily regulated by installing the best internet security software.

Firewall with Intrusion Detection Ability: Modern malwares are specially designed to look like legitimate online traffic as the threat passes right across a computer. Firewall with better intrusion detection capability and helps your system to recognize external threats such as intrusions.

Host Based Intrusion Detection: Firewall programs keeps threats at bay and block their access to the premises of network. It can be easily installed on individual computers and help protect it from various attacks launched inside your network.

Digital Signature: It is very well used to trace encrypt data between various locations or web. Since digital signatures are bit costly people can easily manage the encryption keys online. Install the best antivirus program and protect your business from harmful virus attacks.