Improving Your E-Commerce Website's Revenue In Simple Ways: Integrating Content With SEO

As the internet grows to more places, it's having more and more users. If traditional means of purchasing goods is limited to the physical area of the seller, the internet is providing the means for purchasers to buy anything from practically anywhere around the globe.

For e-commerce businesses, following the demand can be daunting. But without having the ability to reach and answer those demands, you are simply sending your customers to your competition.

And that isn't good for any e-commerce that seeks growth.

E-commerce websites alone, can be overwhelming and difficult to manage. But they have more information architecture than any other types of websites, and this can be an advantage if properly used. But that advantage may not worth much if the rest of your competitors are doing the exact same thing.

To venture forward, you may want to invest on more focused marketing strategy and others that can cost you more money.

However, there are some steps you can do before opting to put more money on the table, and that is by leveraging your SEO and marketing strategies in the following ways.

Use Search And Analytics Data

Analysis data

SEO is one powerful tool that can double or even triple your revenue and number of customers by attracting more organic search traffic. If you want more than just that, you need to take a closer look at your internal data.

As an e-commerce business, you need to satisfy your customers' needs. That is indeed a priority. But without looking at search data, you can lose a lot of opportunity that lies just in front of your eyes.

E-commerce websites need to gain advantage in the competition by doing thorough research by using data obtained from SEO and content strategy. The data can show what your potential customers are searching for on search engines.

Using this data, you can study the search terms, phrases and keywords to better understand your customers' demand.

By combining search data with sales figures and conversion rate data from your web analytics, it will be easier for you to predict financial outcomes. This practice can help you in prioritizing your focus on the best performing parts of your sales by increasing its credibility in the market.

Using A Structured Information Architecture That Is Customer-Focused

Structured pages

An e-commerce website should focus on what its customers want.

Using search data to know users' intention, you can then identify frequently used words/phrases/keywords that attracts people the most. Knowing this, you can then address those data using information that they actually need.

This will give your visitors a great experience because they will feel understood. This will in turn impress them and increase your sales.

A rich online experience isn't just limited to information that people want; It also includes a proper web design, a fast responding website that easy to navigate pages. Together, they will ease the decision-making stage of your potential customers.

Content Strategy That Is Based On Search Data

Content strategy

Content has, and always will be the important part for targeting and penetrating markets. With search engines putting an integration to buying process, your strategy should evolve around search data.

The best content marketing is the one that is based on consumer data, and that include: keywords and analysis. But to grow beyond that, your e-commerce website should create contents that matter to customers. This will build a long-term relationship that will impact sales.

An effective SEO strategy will be more efficient if it goes well with the website's contents. So here, you SEO strategy and your content marketing strategy should be in line.

The ways to do it, is to facilitate a cross-corporation that involve both strategy from the planning to the implementation stage. Any further progress should be integrated between the two, and when changes on one part is necessary, they should also affect the other simultaneously.

Planning To Solve Critical Problems Right From The Start


To avoid any troubles when things are already commencing, it would be wise to address any potential issue before it happens.

Never rush into website planning without having any input information on all relevant criteria. Developing a customer-focused e-commerce website begins with a comprehensive keyword research and analysis that should be thoroughly understood. You need to find out what millions of micro-moments reveal about your customers' needs and hatreds.

You can do this by observing online behavior. With this, you can get insights about your customers and what they really want. Search data will provide broad view of your customers' unfiltered thoughts and track their behavior patterns.

Follow The Best Practices, And Improvise

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SEO and e-commerce together isn't anything new. The strategy has been used by most websites out there that want to thrive. So the best catch is to do what everyone else is doing. But the key here is that, you need to do better.

Then there is the thing that not everything people do works for you. And this is where you need to improvise.

To venture to the unknown, you need to have a plan. Any carefully laid plan will reduce the chances of nightmare and troubles when your e-commerce website is up and running. Your proper planning and preparation should include the strategy that is suitable for your developers.

Better coding and better implementation of features, for example. Visitors of your competitor's website may like a feature, but they may not expect that feature to be found on your website. So planning in advance also include a better understanding of your potential customers.

Proper planning will also result in better performing website that won't need to be redesigned if any minor problem arise in the close future.


Content and your SEO strategy should be well integrated, and this is because search engines have become a more integral part of internet users in finding what they want.

If you want to thrive beyond your competition, you need to understand that there is much more to SEO and marketing that just content production and strategy. As an e-commerce with competitors, you need to have the right ingredient and a productive team that can brew a winning synergy.