Google's Pigeon Algorithm: Pushing Local Search Forward

Google PigeonLocal search is always important. For desktop to mobile users, local results always have more impact than anything else. Because of that, Google launched Pigeon on July 24th, 2014, to power its local algorithm to a whole new level of specificity and accuracy.

The Pigeon update is an algorithm to provide more useful, relevant and accurate local search results that are tied more closely to traditional web search ranking signals. Google stated that this algorithm improves its search engine's ability to include distance and location ranking parameters into its result queries.

The changes is visible within the Google Maps search results and Google Web search results. This means that local rankings are more determined by both domain authority, backlinks and SEO factors.

Since it impacts local search results rankings, some local businesses may notice an increase or decrease in their site's referrals, leads and business from the change.

Integrated deeper into its previous algorithm, the Pigeon ties into Google's Search capabilities to include hundreds of ranking signals the company use, including other features such as Knowledge Graph, spelling correction, synonyms and more.

Furthermore, the Pigeon also makes Google Search see major review websites as one of its search result contributors. Before, Google was pushing its own review ahead of review sites, like Yelp, although the searcher asked specifically for "Yelp" in their query. With Pigeon, Google put specific queries ahead of its own.

If your traffic is affected by the Pigeon, you may cover those loses with PPC campaign for your short-term strategy, and for the long run, you can focus on getting web search listings for the keywords you aim, and getting more presence in leading local web directories in your industry.

The Pigeon also makes Google associate businesses with strong domains as a prime importance. Large brands that have strong presence and authority are having better visibility on Google. These brands do have well-optimized website that are mobile-friendly. For small and medium businesses, they need to build more authoritative links coming and pronouncing their own neighborhood.

Accuracy as a Priority

Before Google launched Pigeon, its local search results were hard to parse. The update was meant to solve this issue by increasing specificity and accuracy.

The algorithm returns better results for queries that use both the conventional term for a local neighborhood and the colloquial term for the same neighborhood. Furthermore, the algorithm also takes the local results a bit wider to include areas that are slightly outside of the searched-for neighborhood.

By including local keywords and greater weight to local businesses, websites that use focused keywords and citations should come up better.

Since Google Search also benefits from Google+, local businesses can rank better if they have optimized their social profiles and citations in such a way to reflect their specific location. Hyperlocal search is more important now.