Making Your Contents Fun To Read, Just For The Sake Of It

When creating a content, improvising is like taking a story to meet your current mood and thoughts. Improvising in writing contents is not limited to humor or being funny. It's all about how to make things more fun so they get more interesting.

Internet marketers need to put a bit of humor in between their serious stories. People want to see the human side of its writers, and that is what makes the fun part a necessity.

If you have great writers, going for jokes, or even satire, can be good from time to time. Fun kills boredom. And as the web grows, people are getting tired of reading similar materials over and over again. Injecting the fun part is to make your content a lot more different, making it more compelling to read.

There are many ways to put "fun" inside a story. It involves your usual writing, a little skill, no effort, but a lot of emotion control. Not everyone can be funny. And to be fun, the writer should be able to entertain his/her readers. To a certain degree, this is a skill to be learned. But it is certain that everyone can do it.


Be Spontaneous

When you want to be funny, you may think about being a comedian. But that's not necessarily true. Being funny can be just being playful, and fun. It's a state of being that everyone can achieve. What matters here is just the will to improvise that joyfulness.

Like being said earlier, improvising is like talking your story through your mood. So before you want to write any content, you should make sure that your mood, is all happy and great. With that good and joyful mood, remember the key points of the content, then write them down as you speak.

At first, your voice may seem to be weird. But as the more you practice, you'll see that you can put that bit of joy in you to your writing. And that "voice of joy" is the fun part that can entertain your reader.

Writing with joy isn't like writing a script or anything similar. Being fun is spontaneous, and the first take is usually the best. You may want to rewrite some of the words and paragraphs you see inappropriate, but it's not against the rules that being playful is to catch your very first voices.

The unexpected, unplanned, over-the-top responses to something so mundane is hilarious, fun, and infectious. This voice is what you need.

Tell The Truth

How often do you like to lie about something just to keep the embarrassment to yourself. If you want to be funny (fun), you need to be yourself, you need to tell something that people will find it funny. And that includes telling the truth, not matter how unreal it was.

If you're trying to be funny, you don't need to make up lies. You don't need to make things up just to get there, or hiding something just for the sake of it. People make mistakes, and those captured mistakes, despite being embarrassing at some point, is the real attractiveness people can find.

Telling the truth can hurt you if you're not that kind of person who likes to be exposed. But remember if you want to get your words out in a spontaneous way, and being funny at the same time, there is no crime in telling how embarrassing your moments were.

So the ingredient for being fun while telling the truth is: no planning, no script, be who you are.

Be Human

On the internet, almost everybody is a stranger. It's something in common that on the web, people get close to one another without ever knowing each other.

Being on the web is not to be strict and full of rules. When you want to give the fun out from your voice, you shouldn't sound as if you're talking with your boss. Put that serious business and professional way of speaking aside for a moment, and start being a human.

Being human brings a character to your voice. This will make your content somehow distinguishable to other contents. Not anymore unique of informative, your content that has the fun part is a lot more than that. In fact, it can even be something to be proud of.

To get the max out of your words, you need to speak like you normally do. Think quick, put your emotions through it. Soon you'll see that you'll light up with joy and excitement by just hearing your thoughts talking before your lips move (fingers typing).


Putting a bit of fun and joy to your contents can be a great way to power your internet marketing efforts. Humor can be boring sometimes, or unwanted when spoken at the time when seriousness is needed. But never overthink it. As long as your niche permits you to be funny, why shouldn't you be funny?

Being fun on the web takes practice. You may learn by doing that playful, improvisational and experimental approach first before doing anything live. If you can get the hold of it, you can then try to get some content ideas and see which way of joy works.

So if you want to be fun, ditch the script and start talking.