A Research for Your Logo: Finding the Colors

A logo is what makes your brand distinguishable. To recognize the main purpose of having a logo, you must first proceed towards its designing process. The finalized design process must aspire to make the logo instantly recognizable, stimulating trust, appreciation, reliability and an indirect dominance.

As the face of a company's commercial brand and identity, its colors must be noticeably different from your competitor’s logos. Since logo plays an active role for building your identity, its elements are made to capture the perfect market position for your business to be able to compete.

Colors can give a huge effect in the viewers' perception, and how their brains process the image of the logo. When talking about researching on a logo design, it's more like a requirement rather than getting inspired. But once the time for getting the inspiration comes, color plays a significant role in the process of a logo design.

Choosing the correct color scheme for your logo is to use the appropriate colors to allow you to effectively identify your brand. Colors are very personal, and they should be chosen carefully to suit your company, your brand, your product/service, your vision and mission, and yourself.

Seeing What You Do

Look at what you do. It is very important to choose colors that match your industry and what you do. Think of the positive things associated with your industry and try to match a color with that. It can certainly be argued that some colors are industry-specific.

For example, an eco-friendly brands are known for its green color. This is because it's identity corresponds to the earth and how it preserves life. But if an eco-friendly brand is colored in black, the message will not be delivered. This is also can be described as a "message in a wrong medium". Just like people can not see pink for an IT company because pink computers in an office is a color misplaced.

Colors for Recognition

Color can help your brand get recognized. Branding in general is very important to each and every business. Some of the most successful brands have done it.

When someone sees a color that you use in your brand, they instantly associate this with your brand. For example, emergency services use certain colors that people can instantly associate with them - namely blue lights and luminous jackets.

Relating with Emotions

Since colors is psychological, colors and emotion are closely linked. Although we may not consciously realize it, color has a strong effect on our emotions.

For example, red is good for grabbing people's attention because it is associated with danger and therefore triggers emotions like anger and panic. This is why warning signs that are meant to "alert" people are usually designed with red colors. Many television programs broadcast at late times use blue colors in the background because it helps to keep people awake.

The Use of Practicality

Before choosing a color, think about its practicalities. A color in a logo will affect on how the "background" of the brand will perform on its daily tasks.

For example, a company that creates furniture can not be presented with red or pink. Think of the employees using red and pink uniform. The colors of furnitures are mainly in dark colors. Bright colors will cancel out the meaning of the company's purpose.

Matching the Colors

More than often, a simple logo is better, but certain businesses may want a more complex logo that incorporates several colors. This might be appropriate for your brand if the design elements don't overlaps each other, but help each other in creating a piece of great logo design.

For example, a complex logo must have contrast colors that differ from one another. This is because a logo can be made as huge as a billboard and as small as the one on business cards. Combination of less contrast colors will make the complex colors useless, and people can not associate with it.

Choosing What You Like

After commencing all the above, choosing colors is your choice. If you are the owner of a company/brand, choosing something that you like is the best thing to do. If you are choosing a color for your own company, it is important to choose a color that you like, as it's probably something that you and your company have to live with. The color of a brand should be representative of you and your company.