Microsoft has been one of the several tech companies that experienced a surge in its share following the 'COVID-19' coronavirus pandemic.
This happened after the company's cloud services, and internet-based software subscriptions, as well as its Microsoft Team solution help many people work from home in this work-from-home boom.
As the CEO of the tech giant, Satya Nadella couldn't be more happy about the performance of the company he leads.
But for him personally, working from home may not the very best solution for work.
Nadella realizes the pitfalls of working from home, after being away from the office for so long.
According to him at The Wall Street Journal CEO Council, online meetings can make people tired.
What's more, it can also make it difficult for people to transition from a work mindset to a private life, because by working from home, the two are somehow merged into one.
Online meetings can be particularly enervating.
Furthermore, working at home also lacks some of the benefits of being at the office.
“We’re burning some amount of social capital."
To fit into this transition, Nadella also shared some tops about managing wellbeing with the work from home lifestyle.
The CEO said that he focuses on three major considerations of how the nature is work is changing amid the pandemic: how collaboration happens, how learning happens inside companies, and how to ensure employees aren’t burning out.
For its part, Microsoft has what it calls the 'Together Mode', which places participants in a video call into a virtual space. This space can be a meeting room, an auditorium, or even a coffee bar and others.
Microsoft also has what it calls the ‘Virtual Commute’, which is simply an initiative to remind users to transition between work and personal life. The feature is not as much of a physical commute, as it is a mental one.
Nadella said the pandemic has taught him about the value of transitions between work and personal activities.
“I am learning more about transitions," he said.
"So how do you transition? Do you have dinner with the family, or are you booked for one more meeting? In some sense it requires even more attention personally to your schedule so that you really do book in those moments of transition," as Nadella said that he paid more attention to his schedule after months working from home.