Twitter drops 140-character limit in DM


After neglecting users' concerns about the character limits in Twitter for quite some times, Twitter is putting an end to the limit, at least for its private DM (direct messaging) feature.

The the company promised, it will raise the limit to up to 10,000 characters in its mobile apps, desktop apps, and the web. The increased limit will also work on third-party apps.

"It's the No. 1 request we get from folks," said Sachin Agarwal, Twitter's Product Manager, in an interview. "They want to be able to say what's on their mind and be themselves."

"I think in the past you might have felt constricted by 140 characters and so you had to cut out a word here or there, but now you end up with these longer messages where people are really able to get their point across and do it in a more funny way," he said. "They can add more emojis, more photos, things like that, which just let them be a little more richer in their expression."