Google Search Console Adds Reports For 'Video Appearances' And 'Video Enhancement'

Gone are the days where text occupies most of the web, as faster connection and better hardware help video contents to appear from everywhere.

As the search giant of the web, Google tries to meet this trend by making developers know reports about the performances of their videos. To do this, an update to Google Search Console is helping publishers to understand how well their videos contents are performing in Google Search.

This way, they can quickly fix issues with their videos, if ever Google has troubles in indexing them.

Here, Google introduces 'Video Appearances in Performance' report, and 'Video Enhancement' report details.

Video Appearances in Performance

The first report can be found under the Performance report, within 'Search Appearances'.

Here publishers can see video-only clicks and impressions, as explained by Google: “performance report already includes an option to see the performance of your video tab search results (type = video). We are excited to share that we’ve extended our support for videos, so you can now also see the performance of your videos in the main Search results tab (type = web) and in Discover using the new ‘Videos’ appearance.”

Contents will only show in this report if the publishers are using the VideoObject structured data, or if Google uses other signals to detect that there is a video on the page.

Google Search Console - Video Performance report

Video Enhancement

Besides the Video Enhancement report details. Google also launched 'Video Enhancement'.

For websites that use structured data to annotate videos, Google can show this new "video" report under the enhancements section. The report can show video errors and warnings that may happen during markup implementations.

This way, publishers should be able to quickly pinpoint the issue and fix those errors.

Google Search Console - Video Enhancement report

Videos have become part of the web, by consuming a lot of bandwidth, attracting massive audience and garnering a lot of engagements.

Because they have become the ways for people to communicate and provide information into Google Search and Google Discover, Google wants to help those many publishers and website owners to help their visitors learn more about the topic the page or site is about.

Since what's good for visitors is good for publishers and website owners, which in turn is also good for Google, the 'Video Appearances in Performance' report and the 'Video Enhancement' report details is making sure that all parties involved are getting the most benefit.

By making sure that videos perform well in Search, Google can help publishers and web owners experience an increase in traffic and conversion.
