Contact Management and Cloud Computing

The way that businesses today manage contacts, customers and clients has gone way beyond a personal organizer wallets. To be competitive in today’s fast-paced business environment, companies need to be up-to-date on the most important business practices. As time goes on, more and more businesses are beginning to recognize the benefits to running their contact management systems using cloud computing technology.

Cloud computing is a smart and generally simple solution to a disorganized business. One of the biggest and most popular services that is popping up all over “the cloud” is customer relationship management (CRM) software, or rather software-as-a-service (SaaS). CRM on the cloud allows businesses to go virtual—all the data and processes normally run on a computer or local server is housed on a large, shared server owned by a provider. Essentially, companies who subscribe to cloud-based customer relationship management platforms are “renting” storage space and other functions for their business.

Contact management is a key building block in CRM. When salespeople have correct, current information about customers, it helps them to do their jobs better and makes the customer feel attended to. Contact management is much more than an address book. With contact management, sales reps can set reminders for follow up, keep track of order histories and personnel changes, and make informed decisions on future sales. Contact management applications also helps boost responsiveness to customers while improving employee productivity and reducing costs. It helps give everyone a fresh, new approach to sales and customer interaction.

By integrating contact management in the cloud, businesses can expand beyond the walls of the office. All of the information needed to do business is located right on the CRM platform in the cloud, so the only thing needed is an access to an internet browser. There is little need to be worried about security of important customer data, as cloud supported contact management is still secure and password protected.

Cloud computing has revolutionized small businesses for various reasons. Mainly, cloud computing drastically cuts productivity costs by ridding the need for hardware, servers, software for PCs, and upgrades. Similarly, businesses run the applications needed without having to utilize internal services, thereby greatly reducing power usage and cutting costs. Since all services are outsourced to external servers, there is little to no maintenance required because hard drives are freed, producing faster processing speed, the ability to integrate applications, and faster communication abilities. Limiting the need for computer maintenance places less emphasis on the need for IT staff, which are costly for small businesses. Cost cuts as a result of cloud computing has become critically important to small business owners and a key to their success financially.

Cloud computing opens up new opportunities for new businesses are other small businesses with limited access to resources. An advantage of cloud computing is that businesses can be run with merely a few computers and Internet capabilities. Location of businesses is not longer a primary indicator of success or failure of a business since sophisticated technologies can be utilized from anywhere. Larger storage capabilities and optimal power allow even small businesses use of complex applications and scientific computing software.

Critics argue that cloud computing limits the freedom of users to control the data that is stored on external servers. Similarly, critics fear that cloud computing limits privacy. Some note that accessing centralized servers relies too heavily on administrators as a means for installing new applications. However, many view these points as benefits. Proponents argue that cloud computing ensures safety and security of personal data, since it all stored on a single server. There is less of a chance of data loss due to computer hard drive defects because information is readily available through the Internet. Already, people are utilizing Web email and photo services, which safe guard information under secure servers, much like those of the military. Proponents also acknowledge that personally installing new applications on PCs sparks the risk of compatibility errors and other software complications. Outsourcing to another server limits the risk of program errors by placing upgrade responsibilities in the hands of the service providers.

If the business is currently using a personally created system for contact management or are using an off-the-shelf software program on the computer, it can still use a cloud-based system without any problems. Many platforms offer seamless integration from a number of commonly used software platforms and providers. There are also quite a few platforms that offer application development, which let it customize and develop its own application to add-on to its cloud-based interface. With all of these solutions, making the switch is easier than ever. And, unlike software that requires months of planning and implementation before it can go live, cloud services can usually get to run in a short period of time.

Application development is just one of the many features available to subscribers of the numerous web-based CRM services out there. By developing a customized web application, businesses are able to create specialized add-ons for CRM experience, thereby creating a unique environment.

There are numerous benefits to developing and customizing applications online. There are two kinds of application development which a company can perform in-house:


This method is a beginner approach to app development. Point-and-click app development is best for those businesses who may not have a large IT department or the resources to outsource information technology tasks. It is also great for creating a simple solution in a short amount of time. Point-and-click methods usually have a few templates and interfaces to choose from, and the creator simply defines and places selected tools, boxes, workflows and other specified elements within the app. Most of these applications are easy to integrate into an existing web-based CRM, allowing expansion for further services and make tasks easier for employees.


For more advanced computer users, this may be the way to go. Programming involves writing code such as Java, C++ or other open-source languages to really customize the application. Most IT departments should have the expertise and the experience to handle this level of coding. Additionally, CRM platforms tend to offer easy integration from a variety of programming codes, so that when it is uploaded into the cloud server, it can be used along with other CRM services, creating a truly customized experience for users.

If a business CRM platform offers a site where applications can be sold and exchanged, chances are that an application has already been developed by someone else that can fit the business' needs. They are usually reasonably priced and sold in a package. Custom application development, in which it is outsourced to someone who is experienced in building applications that integrate with other programs and architectures, is also an option for the business which cannot easily find what they need from existing banks of apps.

Application development is changing the way customer relationship management and knowledge management are performed and maintained online. In addition to the great features a web-based CRM system can provide, businesses have the option to go even further to build their CRM so that it can conform to the unique requirements and specifications. In doing this, they will be able to provide a better experience for the employees, who in turn will be able to provide better service to their clients and customers. Custom application development can assist businesses in boosting productivity, increasing revenue, and increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Customer satisfaction and sales are the key goals of new and small business owners. Cloud computing offers opportunities for businesses to take full advantage of the latest user-friendly marketing and sales tools available on the web with the the hassles and pains of software installations and maintenance. Small businesses, more than others, need to cut productivity costs wherever they can. Cloud computing offers new opportunities for businesses to save money by relying on external servers and the need for expansive infrastructure. Integration is now faster and simpler as services are powered through alternative sources. With a plummeting economy, cloud computing is the answer to many small businesses that are suffering financially.