Social Media to Improve Business Processes

Social media has become a crowded network where people share and get information they need. Social media can also be used to improve a lot of areas in your business, especially areas which directly involve your customers. If you have an active campaign and a great level of engagement with your followers, you will find many of these tasks easier to do with the use of social media. Businesses has used social media as a media to meet customers and potential customers in a less formal way for a better approach than the formal ways that may not appeal to some people.

Since it was first introduced, social media has taken the web to the next step into the Web 2.0 where content generation is made by users that share their lives with their dedicated profiles. The usage of social media has been phenomenal since then, and the users kept increasing as more of other types of sites are implementing social media into their services.

Detecting and Solving Customer Complaints

Finding and resolving complaints is very easy to deal with when using social media. The most easy would be twitter management to accomplish this. This is because you can run searches for your business name and receive all tweets containing your company name, this way you can deal with any negative opinions. You can also acknowledge and thank any good comments. Both of these actions will help improve your following and relationship with your followers.

Receiving Feedback

Through proper Facebook management techniques, you can run polls and ask questions to your fans about anything you want. This can be very helpful as you can receive feedback on new product and find out what your customers really want. You can also do the same thing on Twitter, however this is a little more difficult to manage than Facebook because all you can do is tweet out and hope for your followers to reply.

Providing Technical Support

Techical support is usually handled over the phone, but we have so much technology available nowadays and social media really helps with this. For example, text support can be given easily to followers via Twitter and Facebook. You can also use Google Plus hangouts to visually answer and explain answers to your customers.


Social media has many benefits, and using social media to benefit the customer experience is a great idea and is something that very company should be trying to do. A social media agency can run these kind of techniques effectively and beneficially to you and your company, whether you are a retail company or an SEO agency.