Stack Overflow Launches Its Own Official Mobile App, And A Tool To Measure Trends

Stack Overflow

Stack Overflow is the one source for many developers. Covering a massive range of topics, many of those people consult it to answer even the most obscure programming problems, knowing that Stack Overflow is there having their backs.

And on May16th, 2017, Stack Overflow is not just a few clicks away, but also a few taps.

The popular Q&A website on topics about computer programming has launched its official mobile app on both iOS and Android.

The app works similarly on mobile as Stack Overflow is on its website. It allows users to:

  • Read, ask, answer, comment, flag and vote on questions.
  • Push notification.
  • Search and filter by active, newest, votes and more.
  • Create questions and save them as drafts, on the go, even if offline. Mark down tools to add images and code blocks.
  • Browsing history to get back into the list of questions previously viewed.

Stack Overflow is the flagship website of the Stack Exchange Network, which already has its own official mobile app. With Stack Overflow's app, the two apps have nearly identical functionality. The key difference is that Stack Overflow only contains Stack Overflow questions and answers, as opposed to Stack Exchange app that covers more than 170 communities, including Stack Overflow.

Stack Overflow - Android app

With the launch of its official app, Stack Overflow is also introducing 'Stack Overflow Trends' tool, which allows people to "examine what mobile-related technologies have been growing and shrinking in developer activity, and gives us a glimpse of what the future might look like."

The feature aims to share a look at the fast-paced history of mobile application development.

Using data gathered from 2008, the year it was founded, Stack Overflow created an interactive tool where it measures trends in the popularity of different programming languages, frameworks and general technical topics. The measurements have been identified by tags for better experience.

Stack Overflow - Trends tool
"Measuring developer interest based on Stack Overflow questions isn’t perfect: some technologies might inspire more questions among its users than others. But we’ve found it’s a simple measure that gives useful insights into the developer ecosystem. It’s especially useful for measuring changes over time: when we see a rapid growth in the number of questions about a technology, it usually reflects a real change in what developers are using and learning."