Facebook's 2018 F8 Developer Conference


Facebook held its mostly-annual F8 conference on May 1, 2018 to May 2, 2018, at the McEnery Convention Center in San Jose, California. The event is intended for developers and entrepreneurs, as the company introduces features and services that can built around Facebook.

At the conference, Facebook's founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, followed by breakout sessions detailing on specific topics.

And this year, includes Facebook in creating its own online dating service, a Clear History feature which allows users to see and delete information about which websites and apps Facebook gathered from their activities, Facebook in reopening App Review, Facebook Messenger in no longer banning chatbots, Messenger with translations, Instagram in adding a video chat feature, Instagram Direct inbox, the sales of Oculus Go and Oculus TV, VR Memories and 3D Photos and more.

These are some of the top announcements from Facebook's F8 conference. There are plenty of others which are smaller updates and features revealed, adding up to the platform's potential.