Marketing On Reddit To Drive Traffic To Your Website: Understand And Engage

On the internet, there are many ways to get traffic to your website. From the most obvious to the most insane, the web has it all. All you have to do is find the ones that suit your website well, and start promoting.

But the thing about marketing is that, not everyone is going to buy it. You have to make sure that your marketing material is delivered in the correct way, to the correct audience at the right time when they need it the most.

Out of the plenty of places you can market your website to get more traffic, is through Reddit.

The good thing about Reddit is that, it hosts a wide range of topics. There are about practically any topics to choose from, and this is where Reddit excels.

Unlike other social media platforms like Facebook andTwitter where you need to spend a lot of time, money and effort to get traffic, on Reddit, you only need to choose the relevant subreddit and you're good to go.

But here's the catch" Redditors are known to be able to smell marketers from miles away. This can be a bad thing and a good thing. The bad is because approaching them in the wrong way won't make marketing at all effective. This is why most people struggle with monetizing and getting traffic from Reddit.

As for the good part, Reddit is community-driven service. What this means, it has a high engagement and people are eager for more information, as long as it makes sense.

To drive traffic from Reddit means you need to tap into its core community.

The first thing you need to do when it comes to Reddit traffic generations, is to participate in the community. By participating, you will understand what people are liking, and what people hate. There you will understand what content actually works, and which won't.

The second thing to do, is to join subreddits. These are sections of Reddit that talk about almost everything out there. There are plenty of subreddits discussing about practically anything that comes in mind. Here, you need to join the crowd, and again, participate to see what people are liking and what they dislike. The goal is provide Redditors with something of value.

The third, is to be transparent.

Like earlier said, Reddit users know marketing material when they see one. So if you're not revealing your true intention, people are definitely going to sniff you out. As a result, none of your contents will perform well.

And for last, you need to do what others do, but better. You may replicate contents that are already doing well on Reddit, but create one which is better and more informative.

Once you've participated in the community, you will see that people are going to vote on your posts. This is when Reddit starts to generate traffic to your website. Over time, as you gather more up votes, you'll get more visitors to your website.

But to anticipate those Redditors, you need to make your website useful for them. Reddit users hunger for information, and information is what they want.

If your website has plenty (annoying) ads, popups, sliders or other distracting elements, don't expect those Reddit users to be happy. The last thing you want, is to be aggressive in promoting your product/website. Reddit users don't like that.

Reddit is popular as "the front page of the internet", and that is for a good reason: people talk about anything there.
If you submit your content in a form of link and be available to users in the website to vote, depending on the quality and integrity of your work, you will get traffic generated to your website, However, your post will compete with tons others, and only the best work makes it to the front page of Reddit.

To make your posts stand out, you need to have:

  • Quality content: Better than others, with no grammar errors or other minor issues.
  • Original work: While yo may replicate other content, don't repost any article or content.
  • Attractive headline: Most people will read and rate content from the headline.
  • Diverse link submission: Submit stories from various pages to make your post more diverse.
  • Be active: Interact with others, vote for others' posts, respond to others' comments and questions regarding your posts, etc...
  • Target subreddits with many subscribers: Subreddits with more subscribers can increase the chance of getting more traffic.
  • Be sensitive: Be nonpartisan and aware of what people say, and about what is happening in the world. Avoid discussing about contentious issues in the society.
  • Target peak times: Reach people when they are most active.