Your website is up and running, you have created contents and done some SEOs. As a start you did just great. You will now have some traffic starting to flow. But there is one thing that can take you much further, and that is driving social media to be another source of your website's traffic.
Social media is already a common phrase to most people that use the internet. Since anything put on the internet can get viral, social media plays an important role to drive those traffic to your site. The influence of these networks are large that it can bring a spike to your traffic in no time, if you know how to do it properly.
Most social media traffic aren't targeted. Anyone social media users can see your post. This means that they may not convert well. Careful steps should be taken when you're promoting your site on social media networks.
What makes social media network great is that it has the power of sharing. Engagement is the only reason of why social media is popular, and that what makes it a powerful media for promotion. The more people you can engage your post with, the higher amount of inbound links are given as people find interesting things on your website. This in turn will help your SEO and increase your search engine ranking.
Below is a few tips to improve your social media interaction to drive traffic to your website.
Self Promotion Without Limit
On social media networks, you're talking to people is a more casual way that most other medium. When you want to promote your website on these networks, your goal is to make people engaged to your post, share it to others. One of the early method that you can do is to become "shameless". Say what you like, share what you want, give something beneficial to users, respond to them. All of which is to make you more human "character".
With social media's ability to gain people's attention, the more people are engaged with your exposed post, the more it drives traffic to your site.
When you just started to promote your site, what you need is to become attractive. Since there are a lot of websites with the same niche competing with you to get the same audience, you need to stand out so you can get people's attention better.
People may have never heard of your website and never search for what you have presented to them. Your post acts as the first impression. Make it catchy, appeal to them, make it short and interesting, make them curious for more.
Interesting Things to Share
If you want to promote your business using social media networks, the first thing you need to have is content. Since a website's content can be in any form, they should have one thing in common: the ability to sell.
Content is king, no matter which way you see it. What makes people want to visit your site from the link you share on social media networks is because they are curious. You need to address this curiosity by giving them what they expect.
It is important to have interesting content and with a descriptive title to social media websites to increase the chance of the success of your submission. With billions of social media users and almost that many people doing what you do, your competition is high. Social media website's visitors might never heard of your website and never searched for what you have presented to them. Your social media post acts as the first impression of your website, so it's important to make the linked content interesting and catchy.
Further reading: Content Marketing at the Heart of Social Media
Simplicity in Sharing
Most social media networks have their own sharing button that you can put on your website. These tiny links make it easier for your website visitors to share your content. Having these buttons on your website is very handy because they help people in sharing what they see they like.
When you post something on social media with your link on it, visitors that are hooked will browse through that content to answer their curiosity. If they like what they see, having a sharing button somewhere close inside that page will enable them to share that content to their friends. If there are no social media links present, most people won't bother to link to it.
The easier they can share your content, especially if you implement short URLs, the better you can have your content shared.
Some services have put social sharing to the next level by simplifying the process. Some of them also give extra features such as tracking and analytics.