As the internet grows larger and online connection speed increases, more websites are capable to put more elements of design and articles in a single page without having their audience noticing any page load issues. And by that means, video contents that were once neglected because it takes more bandwidth than it gives conversion, are becoming yesterday's problem.
Video accounts to more internet traffic. As YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and many others keep polishing their video content delivery to their users, video is nonetheless becoming more appealing. The reason for this to start is because most people would rather "watch" an article rather than reading a whole page.
Video is seen as the future of content marketing because the medium is peerless and naturally engaging.
In the current digital era where information is somehow overloaded, it's vital for many businesses to offer contents that is both easy to digest, and interesting. And video does these very well.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then one minute of video can worth millions. It can be wonders for brands when they get positive insight from viewers after they watch an interesting video content they created.
Various studies from many industries that have an active online presence, all are already making use of this medium. The figure is expected to rise as more businesses realize the increased possibility of engagement. And when it's predicted that video contents can dominate internet marketing strategies in the future, it's not difficult to see why more businesses are using videos to market their products and/or services.
With online video quickly becoming a key means for people to satisfy their information and entertainment needs, small businesses need to implement some of their marketing strategies into it.
Creative Way for Interaction and Engagement
Many people that are active on the internet, whether from blogging, using social media networks, for business, and so forth, should come to a viral article once in a while. Success stories from the written article, and the people that are involved occasionally create their own phenomenon followers. Success stories from videos aren't far behind, and in fact, the legends that bloom from viral online videos are increasing rapidly.
As video articles can create more engagement because it's more appealing that text articles, engaged viewers will have the higher chance to share it with others. Whether people realize it or not, as more people are spending time watching it, more people are interacting with the brand behind it.
Just like an axiom popular on the internet: "what has been seen cannot be unseen."
This is where your video should be appealing. You're aiming for people's trust, and there will be no conversion if you cannot define your brand well in the video.
In that case, your video should be creative, well-made, and properly edited in order to reflect your business professionalism. Creating a video content may take more time to perfect than a picture message or text article. But the engagement and its attractiveness is a lot higher if you're doing it well.
Small Businesses and Video Content: Easier than Ever
Video appeals to more people. Whether the video is created for just a specific group of audience, it still can appeal to many others because of its uniqueness in bringing information that all other medium such as words and pictures can't provide. Since creating a video content takes more effort than any other medium, can it small businesses that tend to run on more limited budget do it nicely?
The answer is absolutely yes. As the tech industry grows, both software and hardware that support it are enhanced. Production cost for creating videos was once very high because the need of professional people in the field with knowledge of both technical and ethical. But with the advance of technology, those are no longer the utmost necessity.
Since the rise of mobile devices and the many apps that support them, production costs for internet marketing have fallen significantly. Small businesses no longer need to have technical whiz to work out how to create one appealing video. There are many apps available that can create maximum opportunity for businesses on a limited budget, for free.
Furthermore, video content is easy to opt-out as they are easy to opt-in. Businesses should have less worry if their video content don't appeal (yet) to viewers. As long as the video didn't put a bad brand image to the business.
For small businesses, they should first consider the audience they are trying to reach , and ensure that the video they are creating, is relevant. If it's not appropriate in delivering the marketing message, it's probably a waste of time to advance, and they should start all over again.
The power of social media is phenomenal. They all have similar features, but tend to have different audience. For video content marketing strategy, social media is more than just a option, it's a must. Anything can go viral on the internet, and social media is more often seen as the "fuel" that starts all that fire.
Choosing the right social media for the message is crucial since it will decide whether the marketing message is potential in creating engagement, or not.
Read: Content Marketing at the Heart of Social Media
Customers don't want to work hard in finding things they don't realize they need, so make sure than your video is easy to find, and just a few clicks away to share. Don't neglect mobile either as mobile device users are holding more and more share of video consumption.
After you have that creative video content you created, and know where and how to deliver them to the masses, you also need to be creative in your marketing strategy that supports it. Creativity can win over the cost of production anytime of the day if it's managed well.
By getting all the necessary bits correctly, your video won't just be your 'better than ever' content, it can also be your future content marketing strategy.
Further reading: Preparing Your First Content Marketing Strategy