In SEO, content is nevertheless the king no matter which way you see it. The prospect of a great article is to deliver the best targeted visitors that can translate to sales. As contents come in different shapes and sizes, promoting them should be effective.
Search engines may record people's activities from time to time. What they store is what called your digital footprint. This cyber shadow is the information people left when they use the internet.
Information may be left behind by users, and this is actively and passively collected by others. Depending on what and how much information you have given them (intentionally or not), search engines can gather large amount of information from people overtime.
Since internet companies use these information to bring out the best content they have in their belongings to people, you may as well use this tracking method to benefit your property.
With this fact, you can use this to create your own personality, an author, or character, to associate it with your contents. This will address your online identity with the contents you have created. This makes search engines able to establish an author-content connection.
A connection between a writer and what he/she wrote will both benefit the online identity, and the content property he/she made.
Looping the Action
To distribute your name as an author of a content, you need to use the correct attributes that to help search engines to know you better. Then you can loop between your content to the search engines. Google Profile page is one of which that can be tailored specifically for linking contents to their authors.
Each attributes in the Profile page, and your content should match one another. For example, the About page in your Profile should match your authoritative biography page, if you have one. Since Google is attracted to keywords, make sure than your name is spelled correctly.
Once you have your Google Profile built and linked to your online content, the next thing to do is to create links that direct the search engines from your contents back to your Profile page. There are multiple ways to do this.
For example, you can add rel=author
. This is meant to process the link as an anchor tag attribute. You can also use the Google+ logo button, your own photo, or simply your name. This closed loop will associate the content pieces you wrote to you as their author.
By building this closed loop, you can achieve what Google called its service to help humanize the web. This is what can be hoped as building trust in the linked contents.
At the minimum, this is to leverage the author's profile into better credibility and visibility so they can earn the credit for their contents. Since more than often there are people who scape the web to republish contents, authorship can help search engines identify you as the author of the original material.
A Name for a Brand
Any name, whether its an individual's or a corporation's, can be branded. By presenting a name as a brand, you can control what people find when they Google that name.
When was the last you searched your name, or your company, in the search engine only to find that the name is used for others instead of you. If you are considering for leveraging your digital footprint, this is not the outcome you're expecting to see.
Just like about anything on the internet that wants their digital footprint to directly refer to them, you should be actively, and continuously, improving your search engine results.
SEO is somehow 'mystical' to some people, but it actually works with simple data: small but a whole lot of it. The better you 'pronounce' yourself on the internet, the more the interest search engines have on you.
This goes the same for your contents. If you can leverage your name/business as a brand, the more you can control what people see when people search for relevant things that have you related.
The best way to 'pronounce' yourself on the internet, is to 'spell' your name/business correctly. There are numerous places on the web where you can create an online profile. Use these services to leverage your name, and your brand, in the eyes of search engines. The more links that have your name that connects to your pages and contents, the more authoritative your name is.
There can be two or more things available in the world. But there is only one unique you.
You are a person on the web, so as every other users that wants to connect with you, and your contents. By creating a authoritative figure, you can leverage your digital footprint so you can have yourself a brand.