Bing Ads Editor Enhances Keyword Import Process, Adds Support For Review Extensions And More

Bing Ads

Microsoft releases Bing Ads Editor version v.11.10 which enhances functionalities and adding features to eliminate some issues previously happen within its platform. Some of the changes should be helpful for users as they also eliminate some issues previously present within the platform.

The first feature that should come in handy is the support for Review Extensions.

Review Extensions help advertisers build trust with their customers by having the ability to add reviews from trusted third-party sources to their ads. And this ability will ease paid search managers to use Bing Ads as they won't need to use the web version for reviewing extensions. The update also allows them to manage third-party reviews, and also implementing shared Review Extensions that can be added to multiple campaigns and ad groups.

Bing - Review Extensions

The new version also allows advertisers to easily copy and pasting, or edit things associated between accounts. With the ability to see columns within Ads Editor that show the associated campaigns and ad groups, advertisers can easily see insight and can quickly troubleshoot problems if anything goes wrong.

Bing Ads Editor

Bing Ads Editor v.11.10 also eliminates one of the more annoying complications, such as the inability to recognize symbols for phrase and exact match type.

Bing gave an example on its post on April 19th, 2017, saying that the keyword "flowers" and [flowers] can now be imported as a phrase and exact match type respectively. "If a keyword has no symbols and no explicit match type, it will be considered a broad match type," said Bing.

With the update, Bing can see each keyword as the match type associated with the symbol.

Bing Ads Editor

Bing Ads Editor v11.10 is giving advertisers the ability to adjust bid modifiers when they are creating an audience association. On previous versions, they need to create the audience first before going to the editor pane to assign the big adjustment.

Bid adjustment by default, will be prepopulated at 15 percent, and allows advertisers to input numbers between -90 percent and +900 percent.
