Pioneering the Internet with Bob Kahn
"New capabilities emerge just by virtue of having smart people with access to state-of-the-art technology."
- Bob Kahn
Though the computer was invented in the 1940s and the internet in the 1960s, it was not until the communication protocols that made the internet popular and widely used.
Since the invention of the protocols that are used by computers to connect to a network, the world of the internet has evolved, making it one of the most widely used means of communication today.
Instead of a single inventor, the internet was developed by many people over many years. With the birth of the internet came great possibilities for many entrepreneurs and people with great minds. They went beyond the invention of the internet, and changed the way how the world sees technology with their inventions and ideas.
And at the same time, technology, computers, mobile and IT develop in a faster rate than they were ever before.
"New capabilities emerge just by virtue of having smart people with access to state-of-the-art technology."
- Bob Kahn
"What should exist? To me, that's the most exciting question imaginable. What do we need that we don't have? How can we realize our potential?"
- Paul Allen
"You don't have to be young to learn about technology. You have to feel young."
- Vint Cerf
Widely known as one of the "Fathers of the Internet," Vint Cerf is the co-inventor of the architecture and basic protocols of the internet.
"What you want is people using your product because it's part of their life and they can't stop using it."
- Sean Parker
It definitely has to start with every action you do ... And it’s the simplest things that make the biggest difference.
- Jack Dorsey
"The market is fast-moving, fast-growing. Things that are true today may not be true tomorrow. "
- Marissa Mayer
"We look at our users' interests, without our users we don't have business."
- Jerry Yang
"Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose."
- Bill Gates
"The mark of a mature programmer is willingness to throw out code you spent time on when you realize it's pointless."
- Bram Cohen
"The globalization story without technology simply does not work."
- Peter Thiel