Google 'Accidentally' Leaked 'Jarvis' AI That Can Use Computers Like How Humans Would
Computers can be made to be so smart that it matches, or even surpass human intelligence.
Computers can be made to be so smart that it matches, or even surpass human intelligence.
Napster works because people who love music share and participate.
- Shawn Fanning
The boundaries between fact and fiction blurs with the advancements of AI.
Everyone has to make choices. In one way or the other, it's something people experience most frequently.
Pornography can be described as the portrayal of sexual subject matter for the exclusive purpose of sexual arousal.
Also called porn, the matter can be traced back to ancient times, and predates almost all forms of arts, found in the form of carvings on stones, among others.
Devices that computers can use to store and retrieve data have evolved throughout the years.
It was considered an eyesore; a flaw that showed how Apple had a vision that went way beyond its capacity.
Practically all software products were born bare to the bone. Their developers tend to just include the basics and only the required, essential elements.
When it comes to the internet, its population comprises of two types: humans and internet bots.