Login that crashes


"We set up a telephone connection between us and the guys at SRI ...", Leonard Kleinrock ... said in an interview: "We typed the L and we asked on the phone,

"Do you see the L?"
"Yes, we see the L,"
came the response.

We typed the O, and we asked, "Do you see the O?"
"Yes, we see the O."

Then we typed the G, and the system crashed ...

ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) was the first real network to run on packet switching technology (new at the time). On the October 29, 1969, computers at Stanford and UCLA connected for the first time. In effect, they were the first hosts on what would one day become the internet.

The first message sent across the network was supposed to be "Login", but reportedly, the link between the two colleges crashed on the letter "g".