Outbound Links for Reputation and Ranking

Links are what made the internet a web of networks. Links are what make internet users able to surf the internet with ease. However, many webmasters still aren't sure about linking to other websites in their own website, and most have actually avoid it.

Webmasters avoid creating outbound links with a thought that it would decrease their website ranking and drive all of the visitors to another website. On the internet, outbounding links actually can help websites with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and improve the website's overall ranking. Careful thoughts should be made since blindly linking to other sites may give a negative effect on the growth of SEO, but linking to websites that contain relevant and quality contents always increases the website's reputation and ranking.

Quality Links

When creating outbound links, quality always comes first while quantity comes second. The number of outbound links don't matter, but it does matter when it comes to the quality of each link on the website.

Most people do not like to visit a website with irrelevant contents and popup advertising. These can annoy most people and give a negative impact on the website's impression. Webmasters should try to avoid links that do not deliver quality and make sure to link quality and professional websites that provide relevant information to the visitors. Webmasters should avoid creating outbound links to sites, which involve fake information, banned websites, inactive websites, and irrelevant domains.

Link Exchange

For websites, and especially blogs, when a webmaster links to a particular site, the site’s webmaster will usually give a link back as an exchange. This increases quality reciprocal links thereby increasing the website visibility and gradually results in increased SEO.

Having a large number of quality reciprocal links will give the website/blog direct referrals. This link exchange creates a good traffic exchange between the two thus leading to improvement in SEO for both the websites.

More information

When a website have relevant outbound links, visitors tend to visit it, thereby giving more information to them. This enhances the visitor’s experience and the they tend to visit the website for more information again. So this rotation keeps continuing and the website will not lose traffic.

At the same time, outbound links will be able to boost traffic to the websites as visitors tend to come back to the website for more content. This helps the visitors to rely on your website for important information they need.

Giving information can significantly raise appreciation from visitors. The internet is full of information, and those that give them away for free are the websites that most internet users are looking for.


It is important to decide the number of outbound links since too many of them can also have a negative impact on SEO. Webmasters should be wise in using outbound links to improve their website’s overall ranking.

Content plays an important role in determining if a visitor is going to visit again. The website should give enough information and not linking all the information to the external site. Instead, use outbound links for providing a reference. Websites with good contents also automatically improve SEO.

Contents is what people seek first before seeing any referring materials. Outbound links are the referring materials which offer visitor additional information.

Managing outbound links is one of the key to achieve success in SEO. Outbound links play an important role in website ranking. Effective uses of outbound links with quality content always reward the website with high website rankings.