Maximize Your Logo's Value And Credibility By Showing It More And More

Logos are everywhere. Whether you realize it or not, you're exposed to hundreds of logo each day. Out of the hundreds of logos exposed to you, you may not remember even one logo. But at times, you can remember some logos you see on a given day, where they're placed, or what company/product they represent.

What makes these logos stand out is because where they're placed. The more a logo is exposed doesn't necessarily translate to better credibility. After its placement, it's the logo's repetition that matters.

For example, you logo should be placed on all marketing materials such as website, brochures, newsletters, email signatures and official press releases.

For any business, a logo is the most important part of a corporate identity. There are several places on the web where your logo are begged to be seen. When you can utilize your logo the max, the opportunities for you to promote you brand, your logo's recognition, and the thing you offer, can increase exponentially.

Your Logo Here

Website's Header

When you have your website online and ready to meet visitors, the most important place to put a logo is up on top of your website's header. Most people read from left to right because of the common LTR writing systems (left-to-right). And after the line ends, they read from the top to the bottom.

Because more people are accustomed to this method, your logo, if placed on top left-hand side of the header, will make it the first thing most people see. Keeping it there will help your website's visitors to know that you, your brand and your company, is the reason behind everything they see that will soon to follow below it.

And because tradition breeds convention, for navigation purposes, it's always helpful to make your logo a home page link. Users are often inclined to click on a logo or header to get back to the home page, so it's wise to use an image as opposed to making the logo a part of the background.

In And Between Contents

Online marketers and writers are often focus in creating contents that appeal visitors, having the ability to engage and drive conversion. The contents they make refer to the niche and the industry the website/company is into.

As contents of a website can be either educational or informational, your contents can also be a great place to add more value to your logo.

Your contents is one of the main reason people are visiting your site, beside your web design. The reason to put your logo in and between your content is to keep the true target of your website which are your visitors, to realize that you are the star of the page/content.

This can be an effective way to drive engagement to your call-to action feature in which you can convert those visitors to buyers.


A favicon is that little piece of creativity that is shown next to your URL on web browsers. This tiny art can be small in size and shape, but its ability to pronounce your brand and logo is bigger than most people can imagine.

Beside adding a branding effort and professionalism to your page and website, a favicon is particularly useful to people who have multiple browsing tabs open. Favicon can eliminate their cluttered browser, and making the tab that have you in it more distinctive.

Having your logo as a favicon is not just to represent your logo among the many browser tabs, browsing histories or bookmarked pages that people have. But its branding effort that makes this tiny piece of art the most powerful media in term of size vs. ability comparison.

Profile Picture

With the many online services that are available, many of them offer users the ability to upload their own profile picture. By giving them your name, email address and other credentials, you can have your logo up and showing to all of the site's visitors.

If you want to be an active user to the online service, for example, a forum or a Q&A site, using your logo as a profile picture will make your post distinctive. By assigning your logo that way, you're promoting your business, while at the same time, helping others answering their questions.

Being active in many online services is your opportunity to get your log in front of people who are unfamiliar with your brand. The more you are active and respected (by answering people's questions in forums and Q&A sites, for example), the more your logo will stand out. And this in turn can also drive traffic to your website.

Engaging in a community is also a great chance to build positive relationships and credibility toward your brand.

Social Media

Beside search engines that have been the most visited place for people to search for information, social media networks are getting more views than ever. From Facebook to Twitter, to Instagram, Path, StumbleUpon, LinkedIn and many many more. Those services are more crowded than ever, making them the perfect place to put your logo.

Despite its status as a place for casual online hangouts, it's not a surprise that social media networks are useful to businesses. With them, businesses can reach a broader range of audiences that were once impossible to reach, they can make contacts, engage directly to them, monitor any conversations about their brand and market, spreading new information about themselves, share new contents, links, promotions, products and a lot more.

Even if its wiser for a professional business on social media to think twice, thrice or even more before putting their words out on social media just for the safety of their brand's sake, it's necessary for them to at least claim their business names to set up their own profile on social medias.

With your own social media profile, you can customize the information you would like to give to your followers. You can incorporate your logo into a custom background, set your logo as a profile picture, and more.

Social media is one of the major marketing channel on the web. Creating a fan or group page for a business on Facebook, for example, can give you the opportunity to connect directly with customers and to offer them exclusive offers and information. Again, on social media networks, the most important place to place your logo is your profile picture so you brand becomes instantly recognizable in every post your're about to share.

Within Your Email

With social media for almost every people on the planet, email marketing does somehow became a word of yesterday. But for most businesses, email marketing still matters a lot.

You can use email to deliver proposals, give alerts to customers to new products, give out promotions, or any other information you have to say. Email marketing can be in fact a huge part of some business' online marketing that its corporate existence still have presence in many places .

Your logo can be inserted within the body of your email, if your email is in the form of HTML that allows complex graphics to be shown similar to the web. If your email is in the form of plain text, a link to your website can be a replacement.