Google Updated The Icons Of Android's Messages, Phone And Contacts Apps

Android Messages, Phone, Contacts

No matter what phone a person uses, whatever brand it is, or from whatever model or year, it must have these three apps.

The Messages app, the Phone app, and the Contacts app are built in by default on all phones, and they are there for a reason: these apps were already present on mobile phones before they were smartphones.

No matter what apps users can install to replace these three, the apps remain prominent no matter what.

And this time, Google is giving them a design update.

While they may not be the best works of art, but they do convey just enough to stand for something.

In particular, the Messages icon is made to show that conversations have more than one side, while the Phone and Contacts icons are changed to "signal their shared purpose."

As shown, the updated design "share the same look as many of Google’s other products," the company announced.

These redesigned icons are meant to replace the aging appearance of the old ones, and to support the dynamic themes.

What this means, the colors of the icons can adapt to the themes being used when users use Android 13.
