Train Your Creativity And Skills By Going Beyond Your Comfort Zone

Love it or hate it, we all seem to live in our very well-made comfort zone. It may give you happiness, pleasure, but it also may provide some sorrow and its own stresses. We're living inside the mind we create on our own, and we do that to satisfy our lives and guilt.

Our everyday comfort zone includes everything from the work we do, the places we go, the food we eat, the friends we meet, and everything we do from day to day. Everything we do is put under a place of mind where we desperately consider it part of ourselves.

It is the safety we create for our well-being; it's the transparent bubble of happiness.

While being inside your comfort zone does give you "comfort", it's actually a barrier; it's your golden cage. It's something that is meant to keep you "safe" and keep track of everything in order to make your life stable. As a result, it separates you from the greatness the world has for you to explore.

No matter how transparent your comfort 'bubble' zone is, it's a wall that separate you from what you can do with the world. No matter how transparent it is, it's always dull if compared to the real thing. This is because if you go what others are doing mainstream, your mindset won't differ to what everyone else is having. You won't do anything extraordinary or achieve a state where your life do matter to the world.

We're only confined by the wall we build ourselves. When the will to expand; to be better; to grow and to make life more interesting are the things you aim, it's always worth to go outside and fetch the experience yourself. Once you step outside the wall, you're stepping into the greatness and beyond. There is where life lives, and there is where you should begin.

Find Interesting Things To Be An Interesting Being

Comfort bubble zone

This is where you live, inside a confined space where everything is where you think they are. Everything is predicted, everything is safe and you have the power to control everything. But again, it is confined.

On the other side of the equation, there is the world. The world has plenty to give to you, more than you can manage in your whole lifetime. So have you consider to see the things it has planned for you? Looking for interesting things has one main goal, and that is to make yourself more interesting.

Creativity should not be limited to what you see. It's from everything that our senses and beyond can give. Don't let your comfort zone dulls your mind by limiting what you can do, think or create. Making yourself a more interesting person involves responsibility of your own work, building a character to represent the more real you, and have more interest by leveraging curiosity.

To find interesting things and to be an interesting person, you need to be interested in something. Here you need to let your curiosity do the exploring. By becoming a more curious person, you're more likely to go outside your comfort zone to see the variety of things previously unknown to you.

The next thing is to develop a desire and the will to understand. Curiosity is the fuel, and the passion to continue is the fire that will keep you going.

Facing Challenges, Facing The Unknown

Fish bowl jump

The more you explore the world, the more creative you'll be and the more you're able to develop your skills. But the more you know about something, the more you'll face with certain unknowns. Not knowing about something can sometime induce fear.

To help you around the subject, this is totally rational and very-well human. So there is nothing to fear for feeling that fear.

There are already studies done around the basic of human nature that shows humans to fear the unknown because it is unpredictable. Because we have no knowledge about something, we're afraid of what would happen. And because we're afraid to hurt ourselves, either physically or mentally, we tend to avoid the unknown because we know it only exists outside our comfort zone.

Because it's natural for a human to fear the unknowns, it's certainly a habit difficult to break.

When we're facing an increase pressure outside our comfort 'bubble' zone, the pressure outside pushes and affects us inside it. This results in an increase of anxiety and stress. This is a human reaction when they're faced with uncertainty, and we tend to strongly avoid negative experience because we don't know it yet.

By the time there is a spark of curiosity inside our mind, we slowly go outside our comfort zone in a fully alert mode to be aware of practically anything. And that brief moment, we have one foot outside our comfort zone and one foot still inside. So in case something goes wrong, we can quickly step inside and seal our cage quickly. But here is what people usually do: most of us will feel that the things outside out comfort zone aren't "comfortable", and it's just easier for us to confirm that the best thing is to return home.

But let's say that everyone does that. What would the world be? Inventors, scientists, innovators and others have gone to a great length outside their comfort zone to know the unknowns. They're willing to do that, sacrificing their inner thoughts of well-being, to bet on something that is just based on curiosity.

Yes, some failed. But those that succeed, do change the world.

The lesson we should learn here is that the longer we give in to these fears, the smaller our comfort zone will become. This will make us less likely to try out new things and push our boundaries to become a better being.

Staying within our bubble may keep us safe from anxiety, but discovering some profound human truth when we least expect it is what makes life magical.

We may have plans for our future. But researches on human psychology found out that we are actually less likely to find joy as a result of a planned pursuit than by simply stumbling upon it. So restricting ourselves inside our comfort zone, although makes us happy and comfortable, it won't necessarily gives you more pleasure. And that translates to limited ability, skills, creativity, experience and knowledge.

Finding Hidden Messages Behind The Curtains

Magic happens outside your comfort zone

Everyone's life is unique, but to make it worth living, you need to experience all aspects of it to learn what it meant. Life is full of laughter and tears, sorrow and happiness, friends and enemies. To make it all happy moments and thoughts, you need to find the meanings in how you spend your hours facing them.

What this means is to be productive. Only through the variety of experiences and thoughts that you can create new ideas and creativity. Once you achieved this state, your vision widens, and you can finally enjoy the life inside the unknowns.

This is because experiencing life as it is, not behind a protective wall you were building, freedom is what you'll feel.

And when creativity talks, this moment is when you can capture you thoughts through art or other form of expressions. This is the result of experience that can no longer be contained - it pours out and flows without you even wanting it.

There is no way that you can throw yourself back into your comfort zone because the bubble that kept you in, is just going to burst.

The reason for this is simple: each interaction you do with the "outside world", is breaking down your comfort castle. When you know that the experience out there is greater than what you have inside, you on your own is breaking down that castle. This in turn will further hunger your curiosity, perspective and of course, your overall happiness.

But to keep you comfortable in your new larger comfort zone, you may want to look back once in a while. This is to remind you of the usual things you've already familiar with, to enlighten and inspire you as a way to acknowledge you have gone far beyond the cage that kept you in.

Everything you could ever imagine is out there somewhere. You just have to open your eyes and look for it. What the world has to give, is everything your comfort zone don't. So it should be great for you to go outside and experience the differences once in a while. Not to just feed your curiosity, but to be a better being in the future.