Instagram Starts Allowing Users To Add Pronouns Directly To Their Profile Name

Instagram pronouns

Traditionally, the society knows only men and women as genders. People have long been told that a man is a 'he', and a woman is a 'she'.

But in the modern world, gender isn't a scenario. Instead, it's a spectrum. What this means, while a majority of people identify themselves as either men or women, there is a wide range of possibilities between the two, making the pronouns 'he' for men and 'she' for women not anymore relevant.

This is why Instagram is adding a field to users' profile so they can set the pronouns they wish to use.

Before this, users could only put pronouns somewhere in their bio.

With the change, they can finally include the pronouns they wish to have, directly into their display name.

Instagram said the feature to add pronouns is initially being rolled out to users in only selected countries without specifying which ones.

For those who can, they can do this by heading to Edit Profile, and selecting the 'Pronouns' settings.

Users can choose up to four pronouns to write in the field.

And once saved, the pronouns will appear directly next to their display name.

It should be noted that users cannot write anything in the feature, and Instagram is strictly limiting the entries to gender-inclusive pronouns.

Users can also choose to show the pronouns to only their followers if you want to keep them a bit more private, with Instagram saying that the setting is meant to be turned on by default for all users under 18 by default.
