Using 'Neural Point-Based Graphics', Researchers Use AI To Create Scenes From Video

Someone (or something) who has never seen anything in life won't be able to understand anything normal people see.

To them, everything would just be a big jumble of information. Not only because the information is overwhelming, but also because the brain simply can't process anything it has no knowledge of.

Fortunately for humans, they will learn to understand what's what through experience and time, but computers couldn't do that. While computers with AI can perform image separations, but they usually require data sets with labels, as well as custom rules and a lot of learning processes before understanding anything.

In a step up from previous iterations of AI, a trio researchers .have developed an AI capable of rendering photorealistic graphical scenes with a novel viewpoint from a video.

The AI is capable of turning a video input into a bunch of points representing the geometry of the scene. The points, which form a cloud, are then fed to a neural network that renders them as computer graphics.

Below is how the AI works. The video isn’t the original input, but a rendering of it.

According to Dmitry Ulyanov, a researcher at Samsung and one of the authors on the team’s paper:

"The idea is to learn to render a scene from any standpoint. The only input is [a] user’s video of the scene made in a rather free manner. In the videos we show the rendering of the scene from a novel view (we take the trajectory of the camera from the train video and shift it by a certain margin … that’s how we generate the new trajectory)."

To develop this AI, which has been presented on a GitHub page, Ulyanov works with his fellow researchers Kara-Ali Aliev and Victor Lempitsky.

The method involves using point cloud with neural descriptors and camera parameters, the researchers estimate the viewpoint directions, and then rasterized the points with z-buffer using the neural descriptors concatenated with viewpoint directions as pseudo-colors. Such rasterization is then passed through the rendering network to obtain the resulting image.

An overview of the system
An overview of the system

Typically, this kind of rendering is done using meshes, which overlay scenes to define the geometry of objects in space.

Those kind of methods are time-consuming, processor intensive, and require human expertise. But the researchers here created a neural point-based system which makes the AI work only a fraction of the time with a comparatively small amount of resources.

According to Ulyanov:

"Traditional methods for photo-realistic rendering like ray-tracing in fact require huge amount of compute. Two minutes is in fact a small wait time for the modellers, who work in software like Blender, 3DS Max, etc. They sometimes wait for rendering for hours. And in many cases their task is to reproduce a real scene! So they first spend time modelling and then wait for it to render each frame. And with the methods like ours you only need a video of the scene and wait for 10 minutes to learn the scene. When the scene is learned the rendering takes 20ms per frame."

"Our model is fit to new scene(s) by optimizing the parameters of the rendering network and the neural descriptors by backpropagating the perceptual loss function," explained the researchers.

Here are side-by-side pictures of both rendered and nearest ground-truth:

The one on the left was rendered by the AI, and the one on the right is the closest matching frames from the original video input
The one on the left was rendered by the AI, and the one on the right is the closest matching frames from the original video input

Ulyanov said that the AI is still quite “stupid,” in that it can only attempt to reproduce a scene, meaning that it cannot alter the scene in any way.

He also also said that initially, the AI can only handle slight shifts in perspective, such as zooming or moving the “camera”, and any extreme deviation from the original viewpoint will result in artifacts.

But nevertheless, this research shows how AI can finally render photorealistic graphics from a video input in real time, with a lot less efforts than previously possible.

With this novel viewpoint including perspective-dependent features like reflections and shadows, future AI development can allow virtual reality inside of a scene from films, for example. Users can simply train a neural network and reliving it in VR from any perspective.

Ulyanov emphasizes this by saying that the researchers "actually have a standalone app where we can freely travel in the first-person mode in the scene."
