Quora's Advertisement Platform Introduces Contextual And Behavioral Ad Targeting

After launching its own advertisement platform in 2017 and reported to have received Series D funding with a valuation of $1.8 billion, Quora is ramping up its ad targeting offerings.

Quora is a Q&A website where questions are asked, answered, edited, and organized by its community of users. To allow advertisers get the most out of their campaign, the company added more options for behavioral and contextual targeting to either narrow or widen audience targets.

"People come to Quora to research important purchase decisions," said Quora announcing the feature. "Quora Ads offer advertisers the ability to target their message to a high-value audience, who is actively engaged on the platform. Most content on Quora is organized in the form of questions and answers. A question is tagged with one or more Topics (e.g. small business or startups)."

With its expanded suite of targeting options, Quora allows advertisers to target contents using Contextual Targeting, or target Quora users with certain behaviors using People-Based or Behavioral Targeting.

First up is Contextual Targeting. This can be achieved using:

  1. Question Targeting: Target ads to show up on specific question pages on Quora, tailoring advertisers' message to that content.
  2. Topic Targeting: Q&A pages are grouped into Topics on Quora. And here, advertisers can target the Topics relevant to their business.
  3. Multiple Topic Targeting: Advertisers can upload their Google keywords to find matching Topics on Quora and target multiple Topics with their ads.

The next is Behavioral Targeting or People-Based targeting:

  1. Website Retargeting: Allows advertisers to target people who have visited or taken certain actions on their website by retargeting them on Quora.
  2. Lookalike Targeting: Create expanded audience segments that look similar to an existing audience in the Quora Ads manager.
  3. Interest Targeting: Allows advertisers to target users on Quora who recently engaged in questions read, upvotes etc..

What's more, advertisers on the platform can add layers in Location and Platform Targeting across all the above targeting options. And besides that, they can also exclude certain questions and certain audiences from their campaigns.
